So, I got tagged by Poptart. This is the 6X6 Tag Game. Here is how it works. 1. Go to your sixth folder, and 2. pick the sixth picture. Place it on whatever you are doing. i.e. blog, email.... Then explain it.This is a picture of and Ice Dragon, if you really need help understanding. I was just looking up dragons one day and I found this one. Great, isn't it?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Posted by Mac! at 10:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Dirty Dancing.
Right now, I am not doing anything important. Yesterday, my mom and I went to Price. (A town in the next county.) And we went into Walmart. We stood in line for about 10 minutes! The lady who was at the front of the line was cuponing! But anyway, we had time to do nothing. Right in front of me, there was a People magazing that was a "Celebration of the 80's" and I picked it up. I had time to go through the whole thing, not kidding, and it wasn't a small one either. Anyway, I saw a picture for Dirty Dancing, and my mom goes, "That is a really good movie." I dedided that we were going to stop at the local video store and rent it. I loved it. It was so stinking good. I can't get it off my mind. My dad quit watching watching after about 15-20 minutes into it because...well, it isn't that hard to understand why. But I want to watch it with my friends. I might have to wait for a couple of years for some of them though. Not all, but some. Anyway, I just had to say that I loved it.
My mom just scared me! I have headphones in and she just released the footrest on the recliner and I wasn't expecting it. I scared me.
Hey, so Friday night, I went to a party for a friend. My other friend Mia and I were running up the steps of Tiffany's steps to get her, cause we were giving her a ride, and this EVIL!!! dog runs up behind us as we were running up the steps and Mia starts screaming, and I screamed once becaue she did. When we got to the top of the steps I turn around and start yelling at the dog and Mia is screaming this whole time. Tiffany comes running out the door and chases the dog down the steps yelling at the dog. My friends thought it was the funniest thing all day. Mia was completely freaked out!!! I felt sorry for her. I know how she feels. That dog once attacked me too.
She just had puppies and I wanted to hold one, but didn't want to get to close. (She is a hunting hound) I stood just out of reach of the chain she was on. I took about 2 steps in becaue Tiff said it would be all right if I did. The dog came after me, teeth and all. She came within about 2" of biting my leg. I know because Tiff had just taken her the food that they scraped of their plates, and it got on her chops. I found some food on my pant leg. Freaked me out too. I know how Mia felt. And I told her that more than once.
Well, that is about it for my recent activities. Talk to ya later.
Posted by Mac! at 5:40 PM 5 comments