Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

~Marianne Williamson~

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ride On!

Friday, I left on a journey of epic proportions! Ok, not really. I went on a motorcycle ride with my parents, and some friends. I rode with a couple. They each have their own bikes. For the first half of the first day, I rode with the lady, and then I rode with the guy the rest of the time. He has a Harley Davidson Ultraglide. It is a really nice bike. Not as nice as my dad's, but it is prettynice. I had a pretty good time on it. It was comfortable enough that I started falling asleep on the way from Naturita to Grand Junction. He finaly stopped and I got off and walked it off. It isn't fun, falling asleep like that. On my dad's I'm ok, because I can lean on his back. But on his, I can't for two reasons. I just don't feel comfortable doing that, and there isn't enough room even if I did want to. But the noise of that thing is awesome. I love the sound of a Harley!
K, we went to Green River, Moab, Naturita, Grand Junction, and then to Fruita. We stopped for the night there. The next morning, we got up and went to this little town. Don't know what it is called. Anyway, we went through there, and past up to the mountains. We went over them. The view was fantastic. When we got to the other side, we went through a little town called Rangely, and then through a place called Dinosaur. That was about, well in fact, 33 miles from Vernal. Let me tell you. The scenery around there could put you to sleep, it is so boring. But after we got to Vernal, we continued over the mountains over to Duchesne. From there, we went through Helper, Price, Huntington, Castle Dale, and then to home. Ferron. It was a long ride.
In the leg between Dinosaur and Vernal, I started falling asleep again. This time, I think that I actually started falling sideways. I woke up after a few seconds to find myself slumped over. I just feel so at home on a bike that I start to feel like I can sleep. Well, physicaly, my body thinks that way. I mentaly know that I shouldn't. I have taken a nap on my dad's bike coming home from Spanish Fork. I just put my head on his back, and took a little nap. I was still aware of my surroundings, but I wasn't awake, if that makes scense. But these last two time, my eyes have just started to close, and my head does the whole fall over one side, and then the other thing. I chugged a 16 ounce can of Mountain Dew. It kept me awake. I think that I was making my driver nervouse and the person behind me too.
The whole trip was about 700 miles long. The first day we were on the bikes around 7-8 hors and the second day we went 9 hours. Give or take a few minutes. But most of it was just fun and georgous. I had a good time, my parents had a good time, and the rest of the people did too, I think.
Friday night we ate at this place called Rib City Grill. I had their ribs. I at an entire rack, half a baked potato, and some beans and a piece of toast. It was so good. I loved every bite. I would go there again.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I am home from Washington. The trip was shorter this time. My parents and I decided to caravan with my sister and brother in law. We followed them back to Salt Lake City. My bother in law drove about and average of 79 mph. Crazy. Ah well, we can't slow down the wind, and deffinetly not a driver on a mission.
When we went up there, we stayed with my mom's brother. The morning after we got there, we went to a bunch of different yardsales. I found four clasic Disney movies for 50 cents each! Pocahontas, Oliver and Company, Hercules, and Alice in Wonderland. Great, I know!!! I love actual cartoons. I would take them over the digital kind any day. Right now I am watching Pocahontas, and we just watched Hercules. So many kids are going to go without these clasic kind of movies. They might not even know who Cinderella is. I can't believe that they think Enchanted is as good as any of the clasic Disney princess movies. YA RIGHT!!!! That movie is full of stupid themes, bad acting and just has a really base story. I call it the Freak in the Woods Movie. Tells ya how much I like it. The reason I call it that is she is this freak that lives in the woods and her only thought is to marry a prince and become a princess.
I'm getting off the subject. I got home and went to see my babies, I have baby quail in my basement because we hatched them, and I was so surprised. The have grown so much in the five days we have been gone. They also have started getting their feathers. They are brown and have little white spots on them. The one looked like the hasn't gotten his feathers on his butt yet. It looked pretty odd.
Well, that is my news for now. I hope you enjoyed my ranting. It usually entertans at least one person.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


To all of you who don't know where I am, I am in Washington. The state. My sister is having the third and final reception for her wedding three weeks ago. It has been a fun ride and crazily fast pace, well, except for the 10 hours in the car. Doing nothing but sitting. And listening to books. Since we left on Thursday, I have read about three chapters in my book, and they are only about three pages long. See how it goes. Lot's of time for nothing. Yesterday night, we stayed at my sister's best friends house in Nampa ID. SHe has three little kids. Twin girls name Wendi and Halie, and a little boy named Benjamin, who has a thing for ladies with brown hair. I slept in the living room and when he got up he stared at me for about a half hour. Cute, Huh? Right now, I am at my uncles house in Kennewick WA. His little girl is so shy, and cranky this morning to boot. This morning, we went to a whole bunch of yardsales. I got some fun stuff. A cool picture frame, a shirt, a skirt, and a really pretty butterfly necklace.
I hope you are all having fun and enjoying your summer.