Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

~Marianne Williamson~

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am sorry that I haven't posted recently. I know that I'm a slacker. If you want, you can hypothetically kick me in the butt if you want to.
Anyways, tonight I went to the boys' basketball game. It was home court playoffs. We are the number one in region and are now going to state on Thursday. The boys' team has had one loss in region, and one out of region. Tonight, we played Ben Lomond. I THINK it was 51-33. But I don't really remember. I can't remember scores. At all! I had a lot of fun tonight. Oh, I'm in the pep-band. I get to play and scream and have tons of fun with my friends. The only problem is that I don't really understand basketball. Never have. I understand that if a ball goes into the hoop it gets either 2 or 3 points, depending on where it was shot from, and travel, and the most obvious of fowls.
Girls are also region champs. They had one loss, in Delta, I think, by one point in over time. So, next week, the pep-band, both Spartan teams, and then the student council, are all going to states on Thursday. We don't come home until Saturday. I am so excited about that. I get to spend 3 days, 2 nights with my friends.
The hotel we are staying at has one of my favorite memories. When I was in 9th grade, I was on the high school track team. We had one over nighter. We stayed at theis hotel and it had a balcony over looking the lobby. That morning, after we got up, we were expecting to go to a BYU track meet, and then on to a qualifying meet fairly early in the morning. But, since it snowed that morning, and the rest of the day, we ended up waiting a bit. Until about 1:oo, in fact. Anyways, on the balcony, there was a couch. My friends and I had nothing to do, so we were sitting on the couch. There was Melony, Caleb, Tiffany, Anna, and Weston, and then I was on the arm. We just were sitting there, and people would come in and out of the lobby where we were. Then, because the couch was so squished, Weston got out and was sitting on top. All of a sudden, Colton comes running up, and jumps on top of everone, and THEN the throwing coach jumped on top of Colton!!! Hold the phone...I think that another person was on top of Colton and then Tom, the coach. Anyways, the girl in the main desk comes up and tells us to be quiet because they had already had several complaints about the noise, and if we didn't be quiet, she would call the coach. And Tom, one of the coaches, was on top of the pile. We all got off, and had a good laugh. Tom has only been out of high school about 8 years. I think. Maybe not even that long. He is the same age as one of my cousins. Anyways, that wasn't the first time that he passed as on of us. I think twice he ran in a relay with three other boys who ARE in high school. And the head coach knew about it too. It was pretty funny to see him run with the boys. But Tom isn't back this year. He was only a student teacher last year, and so an extra coach.
Right now, I am stressed like no other! I have a research paper due Monday, math homework I can't do, and community theater 2-3 times a week. And, we haven't done enough work on the play! It is in 3 weeks, and we haven't even touched the second act!!! I am really frustrated. The director doesnt' plan very well. We get to practice, and then wait...and wati...and then wait some more while she tries to figure out what we are doing. Makes me mad.
Right now,I am watching the finals for men's short track. Apollo better win! They're off! And Apollo third, second, last, fourth, third...Third. Arghh! He missed it. Sad. I wanted him to get it. Well, at least he has a record for the most Winter Olympics medals.
So, I love the Olympics. In the figure skating, I have come to realize that for me, it doesn't matter where they are from, just as long as they skate a good performance. I still want U.S. to win. But that's the only event like that. In all others, I am all for U.S. and none other. But I love they Olympics!!!
Well, that's all tonight. I'm getting tired.
Peace, Love, and Good Surfing.